The Art of Listening
9th April 2022, Bangalore International Centre (BIC)
On the 9th of April 2022, we facilitated a half-day workshop at the BIC. In the workshop, participants learnt to heighten their awareness of surrounding sonic environments by exploring techniques such as Deep Listening. The workshop emphasised and helped participants learn practical techniques of field recording, as well as how to use tools such as microphones, sound recorders and digital audio workstations. Participants were also introduced to important audio works that deal with the subject matter.
Listening to 4'33
Discussing 4'33 ---- 'Hearing v/s Listening' ---- 'What is silence?'
Exercise: blindfolded and deaf partners walking around BIC campus
Discussing experiences from the exercise
Exercise: Listening to a range of frequencies
Exercise: Going around the BIC campus to records sounds with phones / field-recorders
How to manipulate sound recordings in a DAW by adding effects, etc.
How to use Contact Microphones
Exercise: Build your own instrument using contact mics and common stationery (paper, rubber bands, etc.)
Exercise: Forming a band and composing a piece --- 'drawing' the composition
Concert / Presentation of Compositions
Deep Listening, Voice, Sound Pedagogy