Research at
The I.S.R.O

Research and practice at the Indian Sonic Research Organisation is grounded in the arts. Our residency program facilitates the work of artists pushing the boundaries of their sound practice who in turn share their research with our community. We support and work with a community of researchers from diverse disciplines. Take a look below at some of our current research programs.
Our practice is built on a commitment to disseminate research with our community members beyond traditional academic channels and is also built on a very strong D.I.Y aesthetic which enables us to work with limited resources. The outcome of our research is shared in the form of exhibitions, sound pieces, workshops, concerts, published papers, manuals, software and hardware.
Shreyasi Kar recording underwater sounds in Maldives
Featured Research

Current Research Themes – 2022

IMMERSIVE MEDIAResearch, development and support of artists working with immersive media technologies and content for Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality environments. Take a look at examples of work produced by our artists in residence, Sergey Khismatov and Chaitanya Krishnan. Visit our Immersive Media Lab page here.
SOUND, ECOLOGY and the ENVIRONMENTOur research includes a variety of projects that relate to the role of sound in ecological and environmental issues and concerns. Our artist residencies, FIELD TRIP program support artists interested in the intersection of accoustics and the environment.
SOUND ART PEDAGOGYAreas of research in sound art and pedagogy includes research of the role of artist practitioners sharing work through residencies. Take a look at our workshop page for more information on past workshops.
SPATIAL AUDIOMultidisciplinary research and development devoted to the study and use of 3D audio systems and formats such as ambisonics, binaural, and more. ISRO has developed broad range of spatial audio tools including hardware for applications in areas such as electroacoustic music performance, recording, post-production and immersive media. Visit our multi-channel surround studio page.
INSTRUMENTS and INTERFACESResearch into electronic and electroacoustic musical instruments and experimental instruments and interfaces - synthesisers, controllers, plugins, and more.
ARCHIVES and SOUNDOur current research involves the development of easy to use archival software. This research is aimed at anyone involved with audiovisual collections- from professional archivists, historians and curators to independent media artists, academics and anyone else with digital preservation needs. Please visit lekha.cc for more information.
SOUND STUDIESResearch on sound studies at TheISRO explores the relationship between culture, society and sound. Our current research topics in sound studies and music looks at historical studies of music and sound from a South Asian perspective.
ACOUSTIC ARCHAEOLOGYA specialised branch of archaeology that uses recording equipment to analyse the acoustic properties of ancient sites or objects. The techniques used in archaeoacoustics include sound level and frequency measurements as well as locating and recording noises produced by places, walls or objects. Take a look at our interview with the pioneering sound archivist, Umashankar Manthravadi
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