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Otso Sorvetulla



Pedagogy, Design, Open Source Hardware

Otso Sorvetulla

Otso Sorvettula is a maker and media artist from Finland. He has spent the last few years at Aalto Media Lab in Helsinki and teaching creative technologies at various schools with Mehackit ( He is finishing his formal education in computer science and arts.

His works ranges from interactive installations to educational workshops exploring creative and expressive possibilities of both new and obsolete technologies. He enjoys creating sounds, building his own tools and instruments, circuit bending and sharing his work with open source licenses. His installations have been displayed in multiple group exhibitions and Otso’s sound design and experimental visuals have accompanied theater plays, performances and concerts.

Additionally to Otso’s own practice, he has collaborated with other artists such as Vilma Metteri and Maija Savolainen. Otso holds an MSc degree and is soon graduating as a Master of Arts from Aalto University’s Media Lab.

The Indian Sonic Research Organisation is dedicated to the proliferation of creative music and sound art. It offers residencies for sound artists, composers, musicologists, theorists looking to expand their sound based practices. The I.S.R.O. studio is home to a variety of experimental musical instruments as well as a 36 channel surround studio for artists interested in immersive arts, spatial audio and surround sound. 


Write to us, if you would like to participate in research programs, volunteer, work with us, participate in workshops or just hang out!!


The Indian Sonic Research Organisation is based in Bangalore, India.

© 2022 The Indian Sonic Research Organisation

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