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Niki's Residency Archive

Improvised Sound - Instruments and Music Night at Experimenta with Niki Neecke, bangaloREsident@Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology

Public Event by Goethe-Institut Bangalore


Improvised Sound - Instruments and Music

Live Performance, 30.11.2013, 8.00 p.m.

The Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan supports the Improvised Sound - Instruments and Music Night at Experimenta Film Festival 2013 with Niki Neecke, bangaloREsident@Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology.

Niki's concerts are usually improvised and his music is best described as psychedelic electronic music. His performance setup consists of a small orchestra of circuit bent keyboards and self-built electronic instruments. Niki is fascinated by chance and random things. If he modifies existing instruments or builds his own music machines he tries to give them the behaviour to act randomly.

Other artists on stage are Aki Onda, Akio Suzuki and ISRO (Indian Sonic Research Organisation).

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