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ICST/ISRO-Residency: Spatial Sound Synthesis


In cooperation with the ISRO – Indian Sonic Research Organisation, the ICST offers a residency in Zürich, Switzerland, exclusively for a person from India. The resident will have the opportunity to work on her own project in the ICST studio for three weeks. This residency is part of SINEMS – Swiss Indian Network of Electronic Music and Sound, a project supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.

ICST’s composition studio is a space and instrument for artistic research and creation. It is specifically equipped to work with Ambisonics technology, the development of which the ICST has been actively involved in since its founding. While the use of Ambisonics at ICST originally focused on concert performances of spatialized electroacoustic music, this practice has since expanded to include interactive installations as well as musical production. Accordingly, the ICST studio offers wide-ranging possibilities for musical, sound and media art projects; for the composition of acousmatic works as well as for the development of sound installations; for acoustic experiments as well as for multimedia settings.

This year’s call for proposals for the ICST Studio Residency is aimed at projects that explore the intersection of sound synthesis and sound spatialization. Links between these techniques could be established at different levels: Interconnections at an algorithmic level are just as conceivable as a topic as perceptual approaches, a focus on the spatial dimension of timbre or approaches exposing space as form that can be synthesized with sonic means. Thus the spatiality of sound is not only thought of as a fundamental and general feature of its sounding and perception, but as a constitutive quantity for its conception and composition.

The ICST Studio Residency is aimed at composers and artists working in the field of sound art. Projects can have as their goal the creation of an artistic work, but can also be of a more experimental nature and more open-ended.

Candidates will submit a conceptual idea or a composition sketch. Their artistic profiles will be documented in a selective portfolio. Basic knowledge of audio studio technologies are required for this residency.

Course of the residency:
The residency’s duration is three weeks, which are spent consecutively. An introduction to the studio and support in the definition of work processes and the use of specific technologies will be provided.

If there is mutual interest, efforts will be undertaken to present and discuss the results of the residency within a public performance or a talk at the ICST.

Artists in residence will be supported by Johannes Schütt, ICST studio supervisor.

Conditions / Selection Process:
The application for a residency at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology of the Zurich University of the Arts is to be submitted per email to

Documents to be submitted – not to exceed 6mb in total:
1) Completed application form (download here)
2) Concept sketch, idea for a composition or project draft – PDF, not to exceed two A4 pages
3) Portfolio containing three selected works documenting applicant’s artistic work, including links to external media (audio, video) – PDF, not to exceed two A4 pages
4) CV in tabular form containing information on education and career – PDF, one A4 page

In sketching the project intended to be realized during the residency the specific details on application, course, completion and support contained in the descriptions of each residence should be taken into account.

The submission deadline is 18 September 2022. Candidates will be informed about the results in the first half of October 2022.

ICST’s contributions to the residency include the use of infrastructure and facilities as described in the thematic descriptions, as well as technical support by ICST research staff.

Participants will receive a contribution to their expenses for travel to Zurich (up to CHF 300 for persons living in Europe, up to CHF 500 for persons living outside Europe, up to CHF 800 for participants of the ICST/ISRO residency), as well as a per diem to cover meals and accommodation in Zurich during the residency. Participants will organize their own travel to and accommodation in Zurich, the ICST is happy to assist them if necessary!

Candidates selected for a residency will be notified by e-mail and will then have 10 days to confirm their participation in the residency. With the notification, the selected candidates receive the forms required for an invitation to Switzerland, which must also be filled out and returned within 10 days. If the period of 10 days is not observed by the candidate, ICST can withdraw the invitation to the residency.

The exact time for the residencies will be defined individually with the selected candidates.

The awarding of the residencies will be decided by a jury consisting of ICST and ZHdK researchers and project leaders. For the ICST/ISRO residency, the jury consists of members of the ICST and the ISRO.

The Indian Sonic Research Organisation is dedicated to the proliferation of creative music and sound art. It offers residencies for sound artists, composers, musicologists, theorists looking to expand their sound based practices. The I.S.R.O. studio is home to a variety of experimental musical instruments as well as a 36 channel surround studio for artists interested in immersive arts, spatial audio and surround sound. 


Write to us, if you would like to participate in research programs, volunteer, work with us, participate in workshops or just hang out!!


The Indian Sonic Research Organisation is based in Bangalore, India.

© 2022 The Indian Sonic Research Organisation

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